
Responding biblically, instead of culturally can be difficult. Let's talk about it!  Join the conversation on topics like: gender, sexuality, race and more.  Each night will focus on a different topic and the biblical worldview around it.

Sunday, June 27th 6:30 P.M. 


The topic of human sexuality is a large topic covering how and why God made us. What is God's original design? How have we messed that up? One conversation might not be enough. We want to provide resources for these topics. Below you will find book suggestions as well as YouTube links, pdf files and more. As always you can also email any questions to any staff or elder.


- Progressive VS. Evangelical: A Dialogue For Clarity. circleaddme

- The Christian Sexual Ethic. circleaddme

- Premarital Sex circleaddme

- Did Bible Translators Invent the Word "Homosexuality"? roundedaddme

- Same-Sex Unions: Everything the Bible Says About It. circlefilm

- Is God Anti-Gay: Village Church Institute with Sam Alberry. circlefilm

- Christians Discuss LGBTQ Subjects: with Laurie Krieg circlefilm

  • The Gospel for Life Series (books) edited by Russell Moore and Andrew T. Walker are helpful. Three of the titles include:  The Gospel and Marriage, The Gospel and Same-Sex Marriage, and The Gospel and Pornography. Sticky Note