Instead of simply going to church, imagine if you truly felt a part of this church body, intimately connected to what is happening here.

To achieve this goal in years past, we have gathered toward the end of the year to cast vision with a one-word summary of what we felt God was calling us to do (i.e. 2019: FEARLESS). Our people came together at these events to worship, pray, and get better connected to the stream of what God was doing. Although these were beautiful evenings that created some direction, the problem came when that connectedness faded two months later.

In lieu of creating another singular vision casting event for 2020 to connect and communicate with the people of Cobblestone, we have decided to host Family Dinners every other month. In January, March, May, July, September, and November of 2020, members will gather to BE the church in biblical ways:

*Gathering before the Lord for encouragement, prayer, discipline and information

*Eating together for fellowship and the Lord’s Supper (communion)

*Sharing needs and issues firsthand

*Looking at ways God might be leading members to step up in ministry

*Spending time submitting ourselves to the Lord through prayer

*Growing together in a level of connectedness that honors God


5:30-6:15 Eat together

Bring your own food for just your family. It’s less stress and planning if my family brings McDonalds for us. You bring a pizza for yours. We join together to eat and share God’s goodness. No one is left having to bring huge amounts or plan anything. We will provide coffee and drinks.

6:15-6:30 Communion / Worship of the Lord

We will move from eating in fellowship to eating in communion with the Lord. Moving as a body into the sanctuary to celebrate communion, confession and worship. This allows us to live out the commands of scripture for communion being a community event. Allowing time for confession and group prayer. 

6:30-7:00 Needs of the body

After worship elders will address needs of the body from stage. Giving a view into physical and spiritual needs. This would also include more sensitive matters that don’t need to be given space in our Sunday morning gatherings. In knowing the needs and hearing from the leaders we will be a healthier Church. Opportunity will also be given for members of this body to use their gifts to fill real needs in the body.

7:00-7:30 Submit in prayer / Prayer for the sick

The most important thing we can do is regularly return together and set our lives before God. Asking Him every couple months to realign, speak and reveal His will for us. This continual submission to the Spirit is the model of the early Church. This is also a time for the body to pray for each other and elders to pray for the sick.

7:30 Dismiss / Discussion

We promise to dismiss on time but feel free to plan to stay a little bit more and ask questions, get connected or receive prayer.